We’re proud to announce that Yello won a coveted 2018 Brandon Hall Group bronze award for excellence in the “Best Advance in Mobile Talent Acquisition Technology” category.
Brandon Hall Group: Excellence in Technology Awards Bronze 2018
Entries were evaluated by an international panel of veteran, independent senior industry experts, and Brandon Hall Group senior analysts and executives. The rigorous judging process was based on how the technology fills a need, product design, functionality, innovation and measurable benefits.

Yello’s mobile app, Yello Pro, powers event recruiting strategies for enterprise organizations around the world. The app enables talent acquisition teams to stand out at career fairs, while focusing more on candidate engagement and less on resume collection, by offering a completely digital event experience for job seekers, recruiters and business representatives.

Award-winning features include:

  • Digital check-in, direct resume uploads and a searchable candidate database
  • Real-time digital evaluation forms, automated staff reminders and candidate history at the recruiter’s fingertips
  • Interview scheduling with quick email/text confirmation right from the app
  • Team event calendar and easy access to training guides and logistical details
  • Sort newly acquired talent pipelines in-app for immediate follow-up
  • Offline mode to seamlessly collect resumes, evaluate talent and view event schedules

Career fair candidate profiles screenshot
In 2018, Yello Pro was used by recruitment teams globally to collect the resumes of 75,000+ candidates.

Check out a list of all 2018 Brandon Hall Group Excellence in Technology award winners here.